Woordenboek Japanese English Bilingual Visual Dictionary | Dorling Kin
Super uitgebreide visuele taalgids, met heel veel woorden en zinnen. Bedenk wel dt deze gids best wel zwaar is om eventjes mee te nemen. This is the perfect pocket reference for those learning Japanese, and you'll want to make sure this helpful tool is packed when you next go on your travels. With over 6,000 fully illustrated terms arranged by theme, getting to grips with the Japanese language has never been easier. Whether you're travelling for business or leisure, buying food or train tickets, discussing work or famous sights on the tourist trail, you'll gain confidence in your new language skills with this bilingual visual dictionary by your side. Photographs and comprehensive indexes combine to make finding the word you need a quick and easy task. The Japanese-English Bilingual Visual Dictionary also features an easy-to-use free audio app (available on the App Store and Google Play) enabling you to hear terms spoken out loud. Learn and retain all the key phrases and words you …