Wegenkaart - landkaart Western Australia - West Australië state handy
Duidelijke, handzame kaart van Western Australia. Zeer goed leesbaar, met naast de topografische details veel symbolen waarmee allerhande toeristische zaken worden aangeduid als campsites, nationale parken, attracties, wandelmogelijkheden etc. Great for using in the car, Hema's Western Australia Handy Map clearly shows highways, minor and secondary roads, national and state routes and fully-indexed cities, towns and localities. Detailed road distances are also shown. The map splits the state in two, with half on one side of the map and half on the other. This results in a much smaller piece of paper which is far easier to manage in your car. The map features: Camping Areas Rest Areas 24 Hour Fuel Outback Fuel Caravan Parks National Parks Fully Indexed Points of Interest Distance Grid All of the state handy maps are double-sided and come in an easy-to-fold format.