Wegenkaart - landkaart USA Northeast - Noordoost USA | ITMB
Een degelijke wegenkaart van het noordoosten van de USA. (1:1.000.000) met aanduidingen van o.a. nationale parken, vliegveld, benzinepomp, dirt-roads. Als overzichtskaart goed te gebruiken. (1:1.000.000 Scale) including adjacent US states and bordering Canada . We started it wanting to do a map of just New England, but that will have to be a future title. By the shape of the USA, the New England States fill most of one side of the map, but New York City and Philadelphia are included as well as a goodly portion of New York State. The second side covers the rest of the state, plus all of New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and most of Ohio, West Virginia and the northern portion of Virginia. In terms of cities, Cincinnati is at the bottom left of the sheet and Richmond at the bottom right, with Detroit at upper left and Albany at upper right. The value of this map for visitors is that it covers a reasonably comprehensive portion of the USA, stretching as it does from northern M…