Wegenkaart - landkaart New Zealand - Nieuw Zeeland | Nelles Verlag
Goede kaart van Nieuw Zeeland. Aan beide kanten bedrukt. Met veel toeristische aanduidingen als nationale parken en culturele bezienswaardigheden. Prima leesbare kaart. Auckland Environs 1 : 100.000 Christchurch Environs 1 : 100.000 Dunedin Environs 1 : 100.000 Wellington Environs 1 : 100.000 Auckland Centre 1 : 25.000 Wellington Centre 1 : 25.000 Folded road and tourist map of New Zealand at 1:1 250 000 scale. Places of interest, national parks, and recreation areas are all highlighted and shaded-relief colouring clearly depicts the topography. The map includes insets showing the environs of Auckland at 1:100 000, Wellington at 1:100 000, Christchurch at 1:100 000 and Dunedin at 1:100 000 and city center detail for Auckland and Wellington at 1:25 000. The legend is in English, French and German. For over 20 years Nelles maps have been renowned throughout the world for their quality, faithfulness to detail and up-to-dateness. So that streets, ferry links, railway lines, etc are…