Wegenkaart - landkaart Ethiopia Ethiopië - Eritrea | ITMB
Een degelijke kaart met aanduidingen van o.a. nationale parken, vliegveld, benzinepomp, dirt-roads en kleine plattegrond van hoofdstad. Als overzichtskaart goed te gebruiken. This is the latest updating of one of the most interesting countries in Africa. There isn’t anything brilliantly innovative to report. We have tidied up the different layers of the artwork, have updated the road system, and have added more tourist information. We have also modernized the cover design and changed the ISBN – printed on paper, single-sided, inset map of Addis Ababa. Legend Includes: roads by classification, Airports, Ports, Gasolines, Polices, Post Offices, Bus Stations, Hospitals, Schools, Universities, Buildings, Point of Interests, Bridges, Lodgings, Campsites or Huts, Museums, and many more Double-sided map from ITMB presenting on one side a road map of Ethiopia at 1:2,000,000 accompanied by a street plan of Addis Ababa, with on the reverse Eritrea at 1:900,000 with a plan of Asmara. Both road…