Wandelkaart - Wegenkaart - landkaart 338 Kos | Terrain maps
Gedetailleerde wegenkaart en wandelkaart met alle kleine wegen, wandelpaden, hoogtelijnen en toeristische informatie aangegeven. Alle tekst is tweetalig in Engels en Grieks en de waterproof kaart is geschikt voor gebruik met GPS. This is a great map because: It is the first GIS map of the island, meaning that this is the first time Kos is mapped with a topographic precision in proportion to the map scale. The road network of Kos is featured so completely for the first time. Every road, down to the secondary dirt roads and dead-ends, is illustrated on the map with precision. Naturally the main road network is clearly depicted, along with residential areas, the airport, the ports and the entire tourist infrastructure of Kos. It is waterproof and rip-proof. You can fold and unfold it a thousand times, fold it in irregular ways, dunk it in the sea or leave it out in the rain. This map is indestructible! It is remarkably detailed, as its scale is much larger (i.e. more detailed) than…