Walking and trekking guidebook to Italy's Sibillini National Park in the Apennines. 21 day walks and an 8-stage multi-day trek, the 120km Grande Anello dei Sibillini are explored alongside sketch maps and plenty of practical information. Easily reached from airports on the Adriatic coast and Rome, the Sibillini straddles the Marche and Umbria. Seasons Seasons Refuges open from mid-April to mid-October; August and midsummer weekends very busy; higher ridges may have snow until June; excellent winter walking with snowshoes or touring skis, best with a local guide Centres Centres Amandola, Balzo, Castelluccio, Norcia, Nursia, Preci, Castelsantangelo, Visso, Ancona, Pescara, Perugia Difficulty Difficulty Something for all abilities, low-level strolls, ridges and walkers' peaks; the GAS requires no mountaineering expertise Must See Must See The Grande Anello dei Sibillini 8-day trek, Sibillini National Park, Monte Vettore, Monte Sibilla, Piano Grande, Monte Bove THE GAS – GRANDE ANELLO DEI SIBILLINI Stage 1 Visso to Cupi Stage 2 Cupi to Fiastra Stage 3 Fiastra to Garulla Stage 4 Garulla to Rubbiano Stage 5 Rubbiano to Colle di Montegallo Stage 6 Colle di Montegallo to Colle le Cese Stage 7 Colle le Cese to Campi Vecchio Stage 8 Campi Vecchio to Visso SHORTER WALKS 1 Valle del Fiastrone 2 Lago del Fiastrone and the Lame Rosse 3 Cascate dell’Acquasanta 4 Bolognola Sentiero Natura 5 Upper Valle dell’Ambro 6 Val di Panico and Pizzo Tre Vescovi 7 Monte Priora 8 The Monte Bove Circuit 9 Gole dell’Infernaccio 10 Monte Sibilla Circuit 11 Monte Porche and Palazzo Borghese 12 Nocelleto to Forca di Gualdo 13 Preci and Sant’Eutizio 14 Monte Patino 15 Foce and Lago di Pilato 16 Castelluccio to Lago di Pilato 17 Monte Vettore 18 Monte delle Rose 19 Castelluccio and the Piano Grande 20 The Dogana Loop 21 I Pantani