The MummyThe Mummy: The Animated Series is an Action Adventure game, developed by Asobo Studio and published by Hip Games, which was released in Europe in 2004.9,99
True Pinball (best of infogrames)(zonder handleiding)True Pinball is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Digital Illusions and published by Ocean, which was released in Europe in 1996.4,99
Robin Hood 2 the SiegeRobin Hood: The Siege 2 is an Action game, developed and published by Phoenix Games, which was released in Europe in 2006.4,99
Snow Racer '98 (losse disc)Snow Racer '98 is a Sports game, developed by Pam Development and published by Ocean, which was released in Europe in 1998.3,-
Noddy and the Magic BookNoddy and the Magic Book is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Neko Entertainment and published by The Game Factory, which was released in Europe in 2006.9,99
Mobile Light Force 2Mobile Light Force 2 is an Action game, developed by Alfa System and published by Taito Corporation, which was released in Europe in 2002.29,99
Lucky Luke Western FeverLucky Luke: Western Fever is an Action game, developed by Kalisto and published by Infogrames, which was released in Europe in 2001.19,99
World War Zero IronstormWorld War Zero is an Action game, developed by Rebellion and published by Ubisoft, which was released in Europe in 2004.9,99
Asterix (zonder handleiding)Asterix is an Action game, developed by Sourcery and published by Infogrames, which was released in Europe in 1999.14,99
The HoobsThe Hoobs is an Action game, developed by Runecraft and published by SCEE, which was released in 2002.6,99