Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS Calculator
The 2-line display scientific calculator combines statistics and advanced scientific functions and is a durable and affordable calculator for the classroom. The 2-Line display helps students explore math and science concepts in the classroom. Ideal for: General Math;Algebra 1 & 2;Geometry;Trigonometry;Statistics;Science;Display 2-Line Shows entries on the top line and results on the bottom line. Scrolling Entry line (top) shows up to 11 characters and can scroll left/right up to 88. Result line (bottom) shows up to a 10-digit answer and 2-digit exponent. Key features for math and science Previous entry Lets you review previous entries and look for patterns. Menus Allow you to select settings appropriate for your classroom needs. Fraction features Allows operations with fractions and mixed numbers. 2-Variable statistics Enter/delete/insert/edit individual statistical data elements. Conversions Fractions/Decimals Degrees/Radians/Grads DMS/Decimal/Degrees Symbolic value of ? Recognizes ? …