Reishandboek Navigation | Cicerone
Handzaam gidsje met veel praktische informatie voor wandelaars. Met hulp van deze gids leert u ondermeer navigeren met behulp van kaart en kompas en het plannen van eigen routes. This conveniently sized guide is an invaluable point of reference for all walkers. Written by an author with a wealth of experience teaching navigation skills, it provides a clear and comprehensive guide to the key techniques - giving you the confidence to navigate successfully with map and compass and to plan and execute your own routes. All topics are clearly referenced and easy to find. Chapters cover scales and grids, map symbols and contours, compasses, bearings, navigation on the hill, route planning and night and bad weather navigation. This new edition also incorporates new content on walking with a GPS device, with notes on how technology can complement map and compass. The text is illustrated with explanatory photos and diagrams as well as extracts from real maps and map keys, and - since the bes…