Natuurgids - Vogelgids Yellowstone Wildlife | Waterford Press
Een bijzonder handige uitklapkaart met alle veelvoorkomende dieren van Yellowstone National Park. Duidelijke illustraties, goede korte omschrijving van soort en leefgebied, geplastificeerd. Astounding geology, unusual wildlife and spectacular scenery are but a few of the amazing attractions of this special area that is home to America's first national park. Yellowstone Wildlife is the ideal pocket-sized reference guide for animal lovers of all ages. This beautifully illustrated guide highlights over 140 familiar and unique species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and butterflies. It also features an map that points out the area's prime wildlife viewing hotspots. Laminated for durability, this portable guide is a great source of quick and accurate information for novices and experts alike.