Natuurgids First Field Guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa | Str
Dit handzame gidsje is een goed hulpmiddel voor het spotten van de sporen van meest voorkomende dieren in zuidelijk Afrika. Met kleurenfoto's, tekeningen van pootafdrukken en kaartjes van leefgebieden. The First Field Guide to Animal Tracks of Southern Africa will help to decipher the more common tracks encountered in southern Africa. The animal's spoor may vary according to its age, mass, sex and condition. It may also have a unique way of walking or a particular habit that distinguishes it from other individuals of the same species. People today are often not familiar with the immense variety of animal life that surrounds them, simply because most animals are rarely seen. To a 'spoor conscious' tracker, however, animal tracks may reveal the activities of a multitude of animals. Leopards, for example, are very elusive and thus hardly ever seen. They have the uncanny ability to live near human settlements, often on the periphery of large cities. Finding leopard tracks in unexpected pla…