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Martin Atomic Colors

Atomic Colors is a specially designed head which fits onto the front of the Atomic 3000 DMX – allowing up to ten brightly colored strobe and blinder effects. Creating an array of colored opportunities for your Atomic 3000 DMX, Atomic Colors adds a further creative dimension to the blinder and strobe effects of the most powerful and dynamic strobe l...

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Meer over Martin Atomic Colors


Atomic Colors is a specially designed head which fits onto the front of the Atomic 3000 DMX – allowing up to ten brightly colored strobe and blinder effects.

Creating an array of colored opportunities for your Atomic 3000 DMX, Atomic Colors adds a further creative dimension to the blinder and strobe effects of the most powerful and dynamic strobe light on the market. The Atomic 3000.

Easily attached with quiet running operation, Atomic Colors is an effortless plug and play fixture, directly controllable via DMX 512-USITT controllers and to be used in combination with The Detonator, (the special developped DMX controller to the Atomic 3000).

The Atomic Colors comes with one string containing 10 colors plus clear.
The included colors are Rosco R colors: Item No. 91611090
Clear (00), straw (12), pale amber gold (09), orange ( 23), red (26), broadway pink ( 339), light lavender (52), aquamarine (363), green blue (77), Light green (88), blue grass (2005)

There are three optional strings, which are available ex stock: (each with 10 colors plus clear)
91611087 : Rosco R colors:
Clear (00), bastard amber (01), straw (12), golden amber (21) , red (26) , deep pink (26), lilac 43), half blue (55), daylight blue (3202), blue green (65), Primary green (93)

91611088: Rosco R colors
Clear (00) canary 312), orange (23), red (26), medium purple (49), gypsy lavender (56) , green blue (77), sky blue (69), peacock blue (73), blue grass (2005), Dark yellow green (90)

91611089: Rosco R colors:
Clear (00), canary (312), deep amber (22), tropical magenta (346), red (26), lilac (55), tharon delft blue (365), bright blue (79), congo blue (382), Italian blue 370), primary green (91)

We also offer the possibility of custom made color gel strings – but with a little longer delivery time.

The Atomic Colors is cable connected to the Atomic 3000 DMX with an external power supply: MPU 02 / MPU 08.

  • Light activated fan
  • Multiple scroller and colling fan speed
  • Gel saver mode
  • On board memory with monitor and resetting
  • DMX address via display
  • Multiple gel color selection with 3 ready made strings and custom made
  • Safety wire and 5 Mtr cable included



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