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Magic the Gathering The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Scene Boxes Display (4) english

For this item, the quantities available on the first day of sale are already sold out. All current orders will be shipped at a later date (date still unknown).The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ Scene Boxes contains 6 Traditional Foil Borderless Scene Cards, 6 Art Cards, 3 Set Boosters, and a paper display easel. Each Set Booster contains...

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Meer over Magic the Gathering The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Scene Boxes Display (4) english


For this item, the quantities available on the first day of sale are already sold out. All current orders will be shipped at a later date (date still unknown).

The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth™ Scene Boxes contains 6 Traditional Foil Borderless Scene Cards, 6 Art Cards, 3 Set Boosters, and a paper display easel. Each Set Booster contains 12 Magic cards, 1 Art Card, and 1 token/ad card, Helper card, or card from The List (a special card from Magic's history-found in 25% of packs), with a combination of 1-4 card(s) of rarity Rare or higher and 3-7 Uncommon, 3-7 Common, and 1 Land cards. A Traditional Foil Land replaces the basic land in 20% of Set Boosters and a Foil-Stamped Signature Art Card replaces the Art Card in 10% of Set Boosters.

This product does not contain Serialized Ring cards, including the Serialized Elven, Dwarven, or Human Sol Ring cards, and The 1 of 1 Ring (Serialized 001 of 001). Serialized Elven, Dwarven, and Human Sol Ring cards can only be found in some The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Collector Boosters. Only one card has been printed of The One Ring (Serialized 001 of 001), and this card can only be found in one English-Language Collector Booster. Non-serialized Ring cards are mechanically identical to their Serialized versions.


- IMMORTALIZE EPIC SCENES-Each The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Scene Box contains 6 foil Borderless cards with art that combines to showcase one of the most epic scenes from The Lord of the Rings
- PUT YOUR ART ON FULL DISPLAY-While each Scene Card is a playable Magic card, this box also contains 6 Art Cards featuring the same art without any game text obscuring the view, allowing you to appreciate the full scene in all its glory on the included display easel
- EXPLORE WITH SET BOOSTERS-Designed for a fun pack-opening experience, get 3 Set Boosters full of more The Lord of the Rings-themed cards. every pack conta


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