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Lord of the Rings Replica 1/1 Sword Narsil 134 cm

United Cutlery has meticulously reproduced the actual prop swords using only the finest grade materials and craftsmanship of the highest quality. Each sword is presented with a hardwood wall plaque and a certificate of authenticity.Narsil, the mighty sword of King Elendil. Narsil is perhaps the most famous sword in the ´Lord of the Rings´ trilogy. ...

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Klanten-reviews van Lord of the Rings Replica 1/1 Sword Narsil 134 cm

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Meer over Lord of the Rings Replica 1/1 Sword Narsil 134 cm


United Cutlery has meticulously reproduced the actual prop swords using only the finest grade materials and craftsmanship of the highest quality. Each sword is presented with a hardwood wall plaque and a certificate of authenticity.

Narsil, the mighty sword of King Elendil. Narsil is perhaps the most famous sword in the ´Lord of the Rings´ trilogy. At the end of the second age of ´Middle Earth´, Narsil´s blade was shattered as Elendil fell during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men in the great battle of Sauron. Isuldur, Elendil´s son, then used the broken hilt of Narsil to cut the One Ring from Sauron´s finger, breaking the bonds of his power, banishing his evil shadow into the darkness.

Features include antique silver plated metal handle parts with 24-K gold plated fittings and genuine leather-wrapped grip. Engraved on the pommel are runes in the Elven Language of Sindarin that say, ´Narsil is my name, a mighty sword. Telchar made me in Nogrod.´

Overall Length: 134.30 cm
Blade Length: 103.19 cm
Blade Thickness: 0.64 cm
Blade Material: Tempered 420 J2 stainless steel Handle Material: Solid metal crossguard and pommel, antique silver plated finish, 24-K gold plated fittings, engraved Elven runes, genuine leather wrapped grip, rat-tail tang construction.
Plaque: 22.54 cm x 40.64 cm x 1.9 cm wood, silkscreen Elven runes Hardware, instructions included.
Sword Weight: 5.24 kg

This sword is an official item produced by United Cutlery under the licence of New Line Cinema.

Please note: Due to the size of this item, additional shipping costs will apply. Apart from your location, the actual package size and weight is needed to determine those costs. Both are unknown at this point and may not be available until the product arrives in our warehouse.


United Cutlery

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