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Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep english

The greed of mortals has awakened a powerful entity long thought destroyed. For eons, this mighty champion of the gods has been imprisoned in the darkest depths of Exandria. His name has been forgotten, as have his heroic deeds. Languishing in despair, he calls out for new heroes to save him.Inspired by the campaigns of the hit series Critical Role...

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Klanten-reviews van Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep english

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Meer over Dungeons & Dragons RPG Adventure Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep english


The greed of mortals has awakened a powerful entity long thought destroyed. For eons, this mighty champion of the gods has been imprisoned in the darkest depths of Exandria. His name has been forgotten, as have his heroic deeds. Languishing in despair, he calls out for new heroes to save him.

Inspired by the campaigns of the hit series Critical Role, this Dungeons & Dragons adventure begins in the Wastes of Xhorhas and leads to the glimmering oasis-city of Ank'Harel on the continent of Marquet, and from there into a sunken realm of gloom, corruption, and sorrow known as the Netherdeep. Above it all, the red moon of Ruidus watches, twisting the fates of those who have the power to shape the course of history.

Critical Role Presents: Call of the Netherdeep contains seven chapters of thrilling adventure, with storyline elements that tie into themes found in Critical Role's campaigns.


- First major D&D adventure book within Critical Role's world of Exandria, taking players from levels 3-12
- Multi-continental story that spans the scarred Wastes of Xhorhas, introduces the continent of Marquet, and eventually plunges players into the Netherdeep-a terrifying cross between the Far Realm and the deep ocean
- Bursting with all new art depicting Exandria
- Includes a poster map of Ank'Harel
- Adds magic items, creatures, and introduces rival NPCs


Wizards of the Coast

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