Wegenkaart - landkaart South America north- Zuid Amerika noordelijke d
Dekt het noordelijke deel van Zuid Amerika tot aan de grens van Chili - Paraguay - Rio de Janeiro. South America North Travel Reference Map (replacing South America North West) is brand new and is another brilliant cartographic coup for Lan and our production staff. She has come up with a way to preserve the wonderfully detailed artwork of the original version first published in 1980 by Kevin Healey, the co-founder of ITMB, and subsequently published by ITMB in four succeeding updated editions. We retired the artwork several years ago, feeling that the market preferred more detailed country maps, but repeated requests for a map of this nature convinced us to have a look at it again. This map replaces the former map of North West South America at a better scale than was previously thought possible and with the additional benefit of covering ALL of the northern half of South America on a double sided sheet. We have also re-introduced the capsule comments so loved by map aficionados in pa…