Wegenkaart - landkaart Russia west & St. Petersburg | ITMB
Overzichtskaart van West Rusland tot aan de Oeral op schaal 1:3,2m - Moskou in het midden van de kaart met stadsplattegrond van Sint Petersburg, schaal 1:14.000, en een centrumskaartje van Moskou. Wegenkaart met veel plaatsen en wegen, spoorlijnen en rivieren, hoogten, lengte- en breedtegraden. Russia West Travel Reference Map 1:3,200,000 - ITMB ITMB has prepared a map that is centred on Moscow and radiates outwards. Due to the projection necessary for a map close to the North Pole, St. Petersburg and Murmansk are at the top of the map, Rostov and the Black Sea are in the southwest corner, and the Ural Mountains bless the southeast portion of the map. The front side has an excellent inset of Moscow and the reverse a city centre map of St. Petersburg, along with the remaining portion of western Russia and the place names index. Legend includes: Roads by classification, Boundaries, Highways, Major Roads, Secondary and other Roads,Volcanic Cultural Centres, Restaurants, Museums, Citie…